The Power of Harmful Intentions

The Power of Harmful Intentions

When the mind is overloaded, or when something is too painful, or when the mind can’t deal with an emotion or event it will download it onto the body where it will be stored until the mind is ready to deal with it.
Many of our illnesses have their origins in an event or emotions that we were unable to deal with at the time.

I have a friend who has had a very itchy, raised rash low down on her left leg. She’s had it for the last 25 years and no-one has been able to heal it.
It comes and goes – but mostly it’s there. – driving her crazy at night.
Of course she scratches the area – and wakes in the morning with a raw and bleeding patch which is still itchy.

She can’t wear tights or anything nylon over it – so this means she’s forced to wear trousers most of the year and can only wear skirts in the summer.

One year, it was so bad that it developed into cellulitis. My friend went to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases to see if she’d picked something up on her extensive travels.

The hospital didn’t know what it was, and did nothing. So my friend tried normal treatments from the doctor who gave her ant-biotics and cortisone cream to apply to the area.

This proved to be horribly aggravating. The leg flared – the itching increased so that it was almost unbearable. She’d tried every cream on the market she thought might bring her relief. None of the creams or treatments has made any difference.

When I see a client where the symptoms are not clearing despite everyone’s best efforts – I start to look at what might lie underneath.
What does the brain and what do the emotions need to clear to resolve the dis-ease?
So – last year on a visit, we used The Stamford Healing Process to go through a few of the painful emotions in my friend’s life which might have contributed to this rash.
She felt very much better after the healing – but the rash remained.

So this year – we tried again, and I questioned her on who might wish her harm.

She reminded me that when she divorced her husband her very good friend had made a beeline for him and had married him herself.
And then she had broken off all ties and friendship with my friend.
My friend was deeply hurt by this betrayal.

So we worked on the emotions around this. Even though she was aware that her ex friend had done her a favour by taking the husband she’d left and by taking responsibility for him as he got older – the leg remained the same.

We tried removing old vows of their 31 year marriage in case she was making herself suffer for breaking these vows. Still nothing.
Then I realised that the new wife needed to absolve herself of the guilt she felt for her disloyalty to her friend.
The way she had absolved herself was by refusing to recognise that her behaviour had been appalling. She transferred all her guilt onto her friend and cursed her instead.

I never believed in curses until I started clearing people of their negativity and limitations.
I thought that they were just superstitious rubbish.
But when I came across beliefs which would not budge and as a last resort tried to remove any curses around them – then I started to get results.

Does this mean that a curse is a figment of imagination in the client’s brain?
I don’t believe so. I think that our intentions carry a force and a power that create what we want – and also what we don’t want. If someone wishes you ill, they probably have no idea how capable they are of causing you ill. They would possibly be quite shocked. But the truth is that when we use our power in the wrong way and to harm – there are deep and damaging results.

I removed the curses sent by the ex-friend – and then, because the rash had started before my friend’s divorce, I looked for others who had wished my friend harm.
We removed what we found. The leg stopped itching within a few minutes. Several weeks later there has been no further itch and the patch has become smaller and less angry looking.

My friend was plagued by this rash for many years. She stored other people’s ill feeling towards her in that location – a safe place where no actual harm would be done to the body. This was infinitely better than developing a condition such as heart problems or cancer. The body is very wise in how it limits what might be harmful.

The Stamford Healing Process has been developed from Theta Healing. 

The Emotional Impact of Infertility

The urge to procreate is incredibly strong and is hardwired into us, especially into females. So when a woman wants a child and is unable to conceive it is felt as much more than a failure to conceive. This is felt as a failure as a human being.

When you have just bought a new car you suddenly notice all the other cars of the same make on the road.
When you want a baby – all you can see is pregnant women – everyone seems to be pregnant having conceived effortlessly. If another woman’s baby is unplanned and maybe unwanted then that is a further slap in the face to the woman who is dying to have a baby and cannot. She wonders what is wrong with her – if she is being punished for some misdeed. She thinks she is unloved by God and the universe or that she’s been forgotten. She feels sidelined and abandoned.

All this has a terrible effect on the woman’s emotional health. She does not feel complete as a person – as though something vital has been withheld from or denied to her. And her mind dwells on it obsessively. Every family with small children has been blessed and she has not.

Sometimes she feels ashamed of her infertility. In some cultures this is a valid reason for men to punish and divorce their wives. Then this woman is humiliated and excluded because of her infertility.
And all the while – it could have been a problem with the man!

It is well worth while for each couple to be tested to see where exactly the problems lie. As I said in my last blog – get in touch with Foresight and take their help.
Tel: 01243 868001

Many women find that they feel just as bad when they want another child as those women without any children at all. The urge to procreate is just as strong and so then they feel guilty and ashamed because they feel that they shouldn’t be making such a fuss when they already have a child.

I have treated many women who are so desperate to become pregnant that their entire life is centred around maximising that possibility. Her partner has to have sex around the time when his wife ovulates whether he feels like it or not. He gets to feel that his only use is as a sperm machine. He feels he has failed because his wife is so unhappy and that he must be less important to her than having a baby. Pretty soon he starts to feel angry and unwanted. And when it comes to lovemaking – he can’t work up any enthusiasm because he knows that the only reason is to produce a baby.

The effect all this has on the partnership is stressful and destructive. The man feels undervalued and the woman feels not understood and inadequately cared for.

Many women find that they feel just as bad when they want another child as those women without any children at all. The urge to procreate is just as strong and so then they feel guilty and ashamed because they feel that they shouldn’t be making such a fuss when they already have a child.

The woman is on an emotional roller coaster. Every month she hopes she will get pregnant and anxiously waits to see if her period is going to come. If it is a little late she is beside herself with hope and anxiety and then when her period finally arrives she sinks into despair.

Of course all this anxiety and negativity sends chemical signals to the body which makes the prospect of conceiving even less likely. The very opposite of the hoped for conception is achieved.

Much can be done with Theta healing to calm the situation. I have treated women who have come to terms with childlessness and who no longer think that a vital part of themselves is missing. I have treated others who have managed to relax and accept whatever happens and who have finally become pregnant. When the heat is off – the relationship has a chance to heal and this sometimes produces a pregnancy.

If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help with infertility
Call me on: 07979538378
Email me at:
Or go to my website to find out how Theta Healing and Homeopathy could help you. www.

Alternatives to IVF

For a number of years I have been a member of a wonderful organisation called Foresight – The Association  for the Promotion of Pre-Conceptual Care.  It provides a non invasive, inexpensive alternative to IVF.


I have reproduced an article I wrote on Foresight in 2008.


‘Foresight is a charity focused on pre-conceptual care and infertility.

The incidence of infertility is growing at an alarming rate.

The emotional and financial cost both to the people involved and to the health service is very high.


Foresight has proved to be immensely successful in its fertility programme and in producing healthy babies. The success rate for conception to the birth of a healthy infant is 78.4%.


People referred to Foresight have their hair analysed.

This highlights

  • levels of toxicity including drugs, alcohol and nicotine
  • parasites
  • infections
  • nutrient deficiencies and imbalances
  • allergies

All of which can cause infertility and often have repercussions for the babies eventually conceived. Depending on the results of the analysis, the couple are then referred to a therapist – usually a nutritionist or homoeopath. They are prescribed a course of supplements aimed at rectifying the problems revealed in the hair analysis.


Foresight aims to

  • help couples achieve good health so that it becomes possible to conceive
  • help couples to conceive without drugs and invasive procedures
  • ensure that children are not born with entirely avoidable conditions arising from nutrient deficiencies or toxicity of the parent
  • relieve the NHS in the future of the need to provide expensive operations and care for those who are currently being born with these conditions
  • encourage people to have babies who are healthy in both mind and body


A healthy society is the product of the individuals in that society. Helping prospective parents to regain good health provides the basis for the health of the next generation and is  reflected in the society that results.


This service is available at a fraction of the cost of IVF and other procedures.  I believe it to be effective and very worthwhile.

I would like to see a Foresight centre in each major city which can help couples to conceive and to attain this level of health.


Cost comparison of treatments

IVF – £6000                                         Foresight –  £300 – £400

Success Rate

IVF – 21.6 %                                      Foresight – 78.4%


When asked about the comparative costs between IVF and alternative methods – an IVF consultant was recently quoted as saying that alternative methods were exploitative. As seen by the figures shown above, this is patently untrue.’


I have also found that the mind can play a large part in blocking conception. Fear that the husband does not really want another child. Worry that the child will place an unwanted financial burden on the family. Worry that her life will change dramatically and that she’s not sure she can cope.


The anxiety of trying to conceive often acts as a block to conception. The couple – particularly the woman is so overwrought that her body produces a hostile environment for conception. Women trying to conceive used to be placed with infants – just to hold them and cuddle them.  This deceived the body and mind into a state of relaxation and fulfilment and the women frequently became pregnant as a result.


So it is important when aiming to conceive to keep the mind in a welcoming receptive state so that the body is given the correct signals and knows that it is the right moment to get started.


If you feel that your anxiety and negativity is part of the problem and is adding to the difficulties you may be having trying to conceive – Theta Healing will help you.

Please call me on – 07979538 378 to find out more.

Go to my website www. I have given an explanation on Theta Healing and how it works.

I am always anxious

I am so stressed and there’s nothing I can do to slow down because so many people are dependent on me.

Life has become so fast. We expect to do things and have things done for us instantly, if not yesterday.  Any delay sends us into a rage. If there is a wait behind a car which is a bit slow off the mark at a traffic light, the horns start blasting away. We have so much packed into each day, that unless everything goes perfectly – which it rarely does – we are unable to fulfil the commitments we have made. We arrive late and flustered – and we have no reserves to deal with the many little unexpected happenings that each day brings.

We’re proud of being able to multitask, and we end up by giving only a tiny part of our attention to whatever we’re doing. A parent pushing a stroller with a young child in it and with a phone clamped to her ear is a familiar sight. The child is ignored or pacified with a dummy or food if it wants attention.

We end up doing a lot – but we lose the ability to be, to communicate and relate to each other.

This is having life by the throat – so there is no room to breathe or to relax. Do it for long enough and everything becomes a burden – something to be done or to get through and it breeds irritability and ANXIETY.

Anxiety that;-

  • I won’t be able to achieve all I’ve set out to do.
  • That I’ll let people down and that they will be angry or annoyed with me.
  • That people will think less of me
  • That I will let myself down
  • That I’ll deprive my children and family in some way.
  • That I am not as competent as my friends and acquaintances.

Women are usually the ones running around trying to do what is needed for the family and holding down a job at the same time. The media have promoted the idea of the modern super woman who can grow her own vegetables, bottle and preserve them, make cakes and jam and all before setting out for her day in the executive boardroom.

Even if we like living like that – we can only keep it up for so long before the cracks begin to appear.

The price we pay is in our relationships – both with ourselves and with others.

We have completely failed to nourish ourselves and all we have is a sense of achievement for having done so much.

Nourishing ourselves can happen in different ways and they are all important.

We can start by giving ourselves the time to be with ourselves and with our thoughts. We need the time for the mind to be free of duty and responsibility so that it can float free and come up with ideas or so it can resolve a problem which has been lurking in the background.  We are not machines even if we treat ourselves like one.  We need the time to renew our energy and to clear ourselves from our recent experiences. If we don’t do this we create a backlog for the subconscious mind to deal with when we have the time. So it keeps prompting us to remember this thing and that problem which we have stored until we can sort them out. These constant reminders become anxiety.

Human beings all need to connect. Connection is what gives our lives meaning. What passes for connection is often at the surface as we don’t have the time for the connection to develop and for the energy of that connection to flow. We need to give ourselves the time and space to listen to ourselves and connect with our unconscious mind and to let that take us where it will. What we actually do is to stop any communication with ourselves by living in a constant whirlwind of activity and with a constant background of noise.

We have become estranged from ourselves and disconnected from others.

Anxiety is our warning signal that we are not getting it right and that we need to re-evaluate what we want from our lives and how to go about it. Our anxiety is, in general, not about the circumstances of our lives.  Even when these are difficult – if we feel centred and balanced we can deal with difficult circumstances and take them in our stride.

My belief is that our anxiety is because we won’t take the time to be with ourselves and with others and because we are denying ourselves the fundamental nutrition of connection.

If you would like help in reconnecting with yourself and with others, you may find that Theta Healing will help:

Please call me on – 07979538 378 to find out more.

Go to my website www. I have given an explanation on Theta Healing and how it works.