Public Speaking

Public Speaking

This month, the focus for our Monthly Healing Group is Public Speaking.

Public Speaking is rated as being more stressful and inducing more fear than most other activities. Why should that be?

I have seen people reduced to nervous paralysis when faced with speaking in front of others. These people are perfectly able to talk and do well, with amazing careers. So why should the thought of getting up in front of others fill them with such fear and dread?

I believe that underlying the fear of public speaking is the fear of rejection and humiliation.

That if we take a lead, we will expose ourselves and invite all sorts of put downs and ridicule. Many of us have been bullied at school and this would have left scars. Feeling unworthy and not good enough – however successful they might be – is an issue for many people.

For some people it’s a bit like sitting an exam – fearing that your mind will go blank and that you will forget everything at the last minute.

Or is there someone you don’t get on with or who persistently undermines you, that you fear exposing yourself to?

There are many reasons – but the underlying fears are about how we rate ourselves and how others rate us – about our place in society about being judged and condemned. That is something all of us suffer from to some degree.

So, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 29th September, when we will be healed of some of these fears and beliefs.



Theta Healing As An Eczema & Psoriasis Cure – Myth Or Magic?

Theta healing as an eczema & psoriasis cure – myth or magic?

We live in a world of science where modern medicine has a pill for everything, but we still can’t explain the root cause of why some people get cancer, or even cure something as common as eczema and other skin rashes.

Drugs and skin ointments can have a limited effect for a period of time, but don’t stop these conditions from reoccurring.

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Help your business – Change beliefs that sabotage success

Help your business – Change beliefs that sabotage success

Theta Healing, is a form of energy healing that helps clear self-limiting beliefs through accessing the theta brainwaves.  Theta Healing has proven to be especially beneficial for helping business people change beliefs that sabotage their success. Theta Healing can help your business team feel better about their own lives and improve how they interact with clients and colleagues. The effects can be felt throughout the organisation leading to better staff retention, morale and productivity.

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Change is scary – Dealing with Change

I wanted to get you thinking about the opportunities we all have in dealing with changes in our lives.

Dealing with change – Often we put off making those changes.

Dealing with change is scary – we run away from pain and when we’re not in crisis we may find it easier to live in an uncomfortable comfort zone rather than making changes. When supported by The Stamford Transformation Process dealing with change doesn’t need to be as scary or painful as you think and then letting go of your blocks becomes really easy – and so liberating. You’ll find that your life will reflect the changes you’ve made in a very positive way. So – please don’t be afraid of continuing to heal. Don’t be afraid of being the best version of yourself you can be, and don’t be frightened that you may have to make painful changes if you allow yourself to release your blocks. You will always have the choice of leaving things as they are, but you are likely to feel a lot better about your situation after the blocks have been released.

Let me leave you with something to think about:

What is it about your situation that’s working for you that you don’t want to lose? · What needs to happen for you to start living your best life? The issues you have that prevent you moving forwards can be resolved effectively and painlessly with The Stamford Transformation videos The healing in the Transformation videos is the most powerful gift given to us that I have seen in over 25 years as a therapist.

I Hate How I Look, part two

In the light of Monday’s all party House of Commons group on Body Confidence and Jackie Ashley’s great Guardian piece I thought I’d write some more about how Theta Healing can help you overcome your negative feelings towards your body. My original post on “I hate my body” is the most visited blog on my site, so I know it’s a big issue for many of you.

Body Dysmorphia is a mental disorder characterized by distorted body image and obsessions about perceived physical shortcomings.

Clients often tell me they hate how they look, they want to change their bodies, lose weight, have surgery. We all know people who are obsessed with their physical appearance, constantly berating themselves for how they look, yet the reality of how they look often bears no relation to how they perceive themselves.

Theta Healing has really helped many clients with body issues, help them overcome the issues that have led them to feel like this about themselves. Many clients feel ashamed of the way they look, but with some digging we usually discover that the beliefs that have led to their distorted body image have more to do with lack of confidence, low self esteem, low self-worth, feeling ashamed, childhood issues and more that have been projected onto feelings about how they look because it’s easier to hate your nose and blame that part of yourself for all the things that have gone wrong in your life than it is to deal with often painful emotional issues.
So many people who are so deeply ashamed of some part of their body or the shape of their body, that they come to reject themselves. It is a real and widespread problem and has ruined many lives, not only of the sufferers but also of their families and friends.
The body part they hate becomes the reason for all the things that don’t happen and have gone wrong in their lives. Usually – it’s held responsible for lack of confidence and lack of confidence is held responsible for most of life’s ills – failing to have a partner, never getting promoted at work and more.

Theta has helped many clients learn to love and accept themselves, see themselves for who they are and become confident, happy and positive about the way they look and their lives. I’ve seen amazing things happen to clients once we’ve cleared up the issues surrounding their distorted body image.
We have been given so many gifts and attributes which we ignore because we don’t have the thing we want. It’s like a child stamping her foot and saying if she can’t have an ice cream then she doesn’t want her dinner.
With Theta Healing it is much easier than one would think to learn how to accept and be happy with oneself.
If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help you feel good about yourself:-

If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help you
Call me on: 07979538378
Email me at:
Or go to my website to find out how Theta Healing and Homeopathy could help you.www.

Making the coming year a success

So, how do you expect the coming year to turn out?
Are you expecting your clients to tighten their belts and to no longer need you?
If so – what are you planning to do about it?

If you are self employed – remember that you are providing goods or a service which adds value to your clients’ lives. Even though you may consider that what you do is frivolous and probably dispensable, you might be astonished to discover that especially in times of economic depression, these are the things that keep your clients spirits up, and to them your service or product is not a luxury but a necessity.

It’s easy to listen to the news and to be affected by the terrible economic predictions. It’s easy to assume that your business will be affected and that people will not have the money for your services. It is very easy to feel anxious and discouraged, and that will be the message that you give your clients.

But your clients aren’t there to cheer you up, and if they sense your discouragement many of them will look elsewhere – because the last thing they need right now is to catch your depression.

If you keep yourself positive, stay cheerful and make it your business to cheer them up they will feel better for being around you. What everyone loves is to hear about success and to be associated with success. It attracts like a magnet.

When someone presents themselves as being completely confident that they can give you what you need and want – then even though it might be expensive for you – you start to think of ways of finding that money.

So how do we go about being that confident in ourselves and convincing others that they need our services and products?
First – don’t buy into the depression.
Don’t think for your clients – don’t turn them away with your belief that you know how they’re thinking and that they are about to abandon you.
Allow them to want you.

If you provide a service, think how you might help clients to feel better during these difficult times.
What can you add to the service you provide?
Just offering a cup of tea adds value and gives the client a feeling of being looked after and cared for.
Do you need to be more flexible in your hours?
Do you need to lay on transport so people can reach you easily?

There are all sorts of ways that take the difficulties out of people using your services.

If you are selling a product
Do you need to offer a better money back guarantee to make it safer for someone to make the decision to buy?
Do you need to research and define your niche market and then go all out to explain to them why they need what you can provide?

Success so often depends on sitting down and taking the time to think about where your real market is – and then devising a strategy to target that market.

Then take a good hard look at yourself.
Are you presenting yourself in a way that will attract people to you?
How is your posture – it speaks volumes!!!!!!!!!
Are you positive about yourself?
Remember it is quite difficult to fake it. If you feel that you aren’t up to scratch – others will understand that even though you might not say a word. It will be apparent in your body language.

Here are a few ideas
• Take the time to improve on your skills. This will give you fresh energy and motivation.
• Perhaps think of presenting yourself differently – change your hairstyle or dress in different colours and styles. This will wake people up to you – so you’re no longer just part of the landscape.
• Make an honest evaluation of your state of mind – your expectations and your fears – then do something about it.
The best investment you can make is in yourself.
If you have just been getting by – make an effort to improve yourself. If you are anxious or fearful, get someone to help you understand why and to help you change it.
The time and effort you invest in yourself will make you into the person who is confident and able to attract business and success.
Theta Healing has helped many people make a success of themselves and their businesses
If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help you
Call me on: 07979538378
Email me at:
Or go to my website to find out how Theta Healing and Homeopathy could help you. www.