I Hate How I Look, part two

In the light of Monday’s all party House of Commons group on Body Confidence and Jackie Ashley’s great Guardian piece http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jan/29/diet-sellers-body-confidence I thought I’d write some more about how Theta Healing can help you overcome your negative feelings towards your body. My original post on “I hate my body” is the most visited blog on my site, so I know it’s a big issue for many of you.

Body Dysmorphia is a mental disorder characterized by distorted body image and obsessions about perceived physical shortcomings.

Clients often tell me they hate how they look, they want to change their bodies, lose weight, have surgery. We all know people who are obsessed with their physical appearance, constantly berating themselves for how they look, yet the reality of how they look often bears no relation to how they perceive themselves.

Theta Healing has really helped many clients with body issues, help them overcome the issues that have led them to feel like this about themselves. Many clients feel ashamed of the way they look, but with some digging we usually discover that the beliefs that have led to their distorted body image have more to do with lack of confidence, low self esteem, low self-worth, feeling ashamed, childhood issues and more that have been projected onto feelings about how they look because it’s easier to hate your nose and blame that part of yourself for all the things that have gone wrong in your life than it is to deal with often painful emotional issues.
So many people who are so deeply ashamed of some part of their body or the shape of their body, that they come to reject themselves. It is a real and widespread problem and has ruined many lives, not only of the sufferers but also of their families and friends.
The body part they hate becomes the reason for all the things that don’t happen and have gone wrong in their lives. Usually – it’s held responsible for lack of confidence and lack of confidence is held responsible for most of life’s ills – failing to have a partner, never getting promoted at work and more.

Theta has helped many clients learn to love and accept themselves, see themselves for who they are and become confident, happy and positive about the way they look and their lives. I’ve seen amazing things happen to clients once we’ve cleared up the issues surrounding their distorted body image.
We have been given so many gifts and attributes which we ignore because we don’t have the thing we want. It’s like a child stamping her foot and saying if she can’t have an ice cream then she doesn’t want her dinner.
With Theta Healing it is much easier than one would think to learn how to accept and be happy with oneself.
If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help you feel good about yourself:-

If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help you
Call me on: 07979538378
Email me at: debbie.talalay@gmail.com
Or go to my website to find out how Theta Healing and Homeopathy could help you.www.

Deborah Talalay Theta Healer, Homeopath, NLP Master Practitioner, and a Healer. Deborah Talalay is a leading London based Theta Healer who has practised in Harley Street and West London and has successfully treated people of all ages and from all walks of life. Deborah has developed the Stamford Healing Process, an enhanced form of Theta Healing that can be accessed online anywhere in the world direct via Deborah’s Self Help Videos.     Read more about Deborah