Full Video Pack

You can now buy all of Debbie's self help video sets in one pack. The pack includes, Kinesiology Module, Redundancy and Loss, Fear of Rejection, I’m Not Good Enough, Success and Failure, Power, Poverty Prosperity, Self Healing for Women and the Weight Reduction Module.

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The following video sets are included in this pack:

I’m not wanted anymore.

This module is about losing your job – being made redundant. And though it’s not a paid job – when your children leave home it feels very similar to being made redundant.

When you come to the end of something that has been a major part of your life it is a significant crossroads. It can unleash many painful thoughts and fears. These may leave you feeling cut loose from everything you have been used to, and confused about how to cope with the new situation and how best to continue.

Take it seriously. This is a time for you to choose what you would like in your new life. Don’t let these choices be determined by insecurity and negativity.

The feelings of being discarded and of worthlessness after a job or relationship loss run very deep and can bring about a sense of abandonment and depression. Most people feel rejected and abandoned at some point in their lives. Many feel there must be something wrong with them. You may feel embarrassed and ashamed – and believe that you are no longer socially acceptable. Please don’t let that stop you clearing yourself with this Theta module.

You should find that this module will help you out of the despair and pain of your loss. It should help you have more confidence and an increased sense of meaning and purpose.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person, and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules on Fear of Rejection, I’m Not Good Enough and Relationships– so you may find that those modules will be useful to you as well.

Fear of Rejection

The feelings rejection brings up run very deep and can bring anguish and torment. Most people feel rejected at some point in their lives. Many feel there must be something wrong with them because they have not been accepted by the “in crowd”. This particularly applies to teenagers – who are trying to find their place in the world and where they are in the social pecking order.

You may feel embarrassed and ashamed – and believe that you are not socially acceptable. Please don’t let that stop you clearing yourself with this Theta module. Once these underlying o beliefs are cleared, the shame will disappear. You will stop putting out a signal expecting rejection and others will stop rejecting you.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person– and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the module I’m Not Good Enough – so you may find that module will be useful to you as well.

I’m Not Good Enough

This module is about the fear of not being good enough – the feelings of inadequacy which can cause people to give up before they even begin.

Some believe that they’re frauds and that they should not be in the position they’re in and that they’ll be exposed. Others overcompensate just to prove to themselves and others that they are good enough. Many will procrastinate – because getting started is too difficult when you think you’re going to let yourself down or fail in some way. Many become extremely sensitive and will take offence and become aggressive if they feel they are being challenged.

Somewhere deep inside – you have the belief and fear that you’re not as good as someone in your family or someone you admire. Or someone has told you that you didn’t do something well enough or that you aren’t good enough and you’ve believed them. And instead of raising your standards and doing it better – you’ve shut down. Maybe you’ve been caught up in a situation where you were unable to change the outcome and so your faith in yourself being able to make a difference died, and with it, your belief that you are good enough.

Please don’t let any of this stop you clearing yourself with this Theta module.

Whatever it is you believe – not matter how deeply buried, is understood by others. They will reflect your beliefs, fears and expectations right back to you and will have a low expectation of you that reflects back your low expectation of yourself. We are all of us much cleverer, more capable, more creative and more inspired than we know. This module will give you a much higher expectation of yourself and the potential you hold will be given a chance to bloom. A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person, and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules Fear of Rejection and Procrastination – so you may find that those modules will be useful to you as well.

Success & Failure

This module is about success / failure and the fear of success and failure.

How you evaluate and perceive yourself is fundamental to your feelings of ease and wellbeing and how you relate to others. Many think there must be something wrong with them and feel disappointed in their lives. Many are disappointed in themselves for not living up to their earlier promise.

Sometimes fear of success can be an even bigger brake on your life than feelings of failure, and then you sabotage your own success because it feels unsafe or because you think you’re unworthy or not up to it.

And for those who have been successful – this can bring terrible anxiety of being able to maintain that success and the responsibility to others who depend on your success that this brings.

Its well worth discovering what you might be carrying and clearing yourself with this Theta module.

Once these underlying beliefs are cleared, you will find you feel differently about yourself – and what seemed impossible earlier seems to be a lot easier and within your reach after the clearing.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person– and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules I’m Not Good Enough, Poverty, and Fear of Rejection– so you may find those modules will be useful to you as well.


This will give you the ability to defend yourself and insist on a more equal relationship. People have found a sense of freedom after this video, their careers have blossomed and people have discovered that they have a voice.

This module is about power. About not having enough power and control over your life or the anxiety and responsibility of having a lot of power.

Decision making and fear of responsibility are issues which are related to power, and are touched on in this module This module will be useful for those whose ancestors have come from countries where there has been a repressive regime in power and where people were not allowed to think and act freely.

You may mistrust your ability to hold power, or fear that if you have power it might make you become someone you wouldn’t like or respect. This module will clear your fears and doubts and help you to become easier with yourself and comfortable with your power.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person, and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules Success and Failure, Poverty and Fear of Rejection – so you may find those modules will be useful to you as well.


Not enough money. Not enough of the good things in life.

This module is about Poverty – the Fear of Poverty and the lack of opportunity.

When you don’t have enough it colours how you feel about who you are and what you deserve. Some respond to not having enough by pretending that there isn’t a problem and getting themselves into even worse financial trouble. Others respond by never indulging themselves in any way. This strategy blocks the energy which is trying to flow through each person and will stop anything new happening.

Of course poverty is not just about money. It is also about success, feelings of fulfilment, and respect. Some people feel there must be something wrong with them and that they must be failures. Others become bitter and angry that life is unfair.

If you are unable to create better circumstances for yourself despite your best efforts, it could be that you have deeply held beliefs about money that is blocking you from making what you need.

You would think that everyone would want to make enough to make themselves and their families comfortable. But the negativity runs deep. Once you clear the negativity – the energy that is constantly flowing your way is able to make a difference to your life. and your circumstances should start to change for the better.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person– and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules on Success and Failure and Power – so you may find that those modules will be useful to you as well.

Self Healing for Women

Do you feel that men have the advantage, and that you have to work much harder to achieve or to earn the same?

Do you feel guilty about juggling work and a family?

A lot of this is because we are preconditioned to only play a certain role in society, and no matter how enlightened our upbringing was we still carry that conditioning. Even highly successful women are surprised and appalled to find out how much they still hold. This video will release you from that conditioning and the anxieties that accompany it.

Though we might feel fully emancipated in the West – we have stored in our unconscious minds the memories of our ancestors – from both men and women – and these memories are still very strong and act as a brake on us even though the physical obstacles to emancipation may have been removed.

If you feel that there’s a glass ceiling at work, or that you have to work twice as hard as your male colleagues – then this video is for you.

But even if you don’t feel that way – I strongly advise every woman to sit down with this video and give yourself the release from age old prejudices and limitations that you deserve.

Some of the beliefs in this video belong to women from cultures which are very different to western culture. But many of the beliefs – even though very different to western beliefs – have been embedded in our cultures and religions and have been passed down to us in that way, and many women have been horrified to find out they’ve been holding beliefs which are completely contrary to their conscious thoughts.

This Theta Healing module will help women feel more comfortable and at peace with themselves whether they are single or married, and whether they do or don’t have children.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person, and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the module on Power – so you may find that module will be useful to you as well.

Weight Loss Video

This weight reduction module will help you release barriers and beliefs you may have to shedding weight. We all hold on to weight for different reasons. Most of these reasons and patterns of behaviour are covered in these videos, and need to be cleared before you attempt to lose weight. Otherwise you end up with a tug of war between your good intentions and your buried resistance.

Many of our beliefs are held unconsciously and you may be surprised to find that for whatever reason – you are holding on to beliefs that consciously you do not believe, but that may be unconsciously driving you and blocking your attempts to lose weight.

These videos are not a diet – but will enable you to shed your resistance.

Theta healing will help you clear these self-sabotaging beliefs. If you get stuck on a belief that won’t clear finish the module and then return to the stuck belief (it may be useful to keep a note of the time on the video so you can easily go back to it.

You should find that this module will help you out of the despair and pain of your loss. It should help you have more confidence and an increased sense of meaning and purpose.

A Theta practitioner will not alter the client’s beliefs in any way without permission from that person, and I’ve programmed in that if a person needs to hang on to any of their beliefs – then this will not be cleared until it is for their greatest and highest good.

This module also relates to the modules on Fear of Rejection, I’m Not Good Enough and Relationships– so you may find that those modules will be useful to you as well.

What You Get

What you'll get:
  • Your free Kinesiology video to help you through your video session. Watch this first.
  • Your video set links that you can go back to any time you like.

There are just three steps to get your video session

  • Click the Buy Now button
  • Enter your details securely. You can pay by PayPal or bank card.
  • A link to your video will be sent to you